Standards of Professional Conduct

The role of the Code of Conduct
The code of conduct outlines our shared values and core beliefs at Unigas. Acting in accordance with the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of all associated with Unigas and our operations. We, the employees of Unigas, believe in the worth of everyone around us and value respect, fairness, and harmony. Our environment is a safe space where we can grow and be ourselves, respecting the boundaries set out in the Code of Conduct.

The code of conduct does not replace personal responsibility or thoughtful and prudent behavior of an ethical employee. The Code of Conduct is supplementary to laws and legislation and does not replace them.

A message from leadership

Together as citizens of the world we all face a period of huge disruption, where we all look more closely at what we do and how we impact the world around us. Unigas and our partners are committed to working with our long term customer base and industry peers to transform shipping into a sustainable and circular model. We are therefore investing heavily in digital and technical evolutions to better prepare our services for the years ahead.

At Unigas we believe that our people and culture are our most important asset and go to every length to ensure that each member of Unigas enjoys their time and story with us. As a management team we actively promote an open culture where everyone is included and encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their work. We center our culture around a service minded approach, naturally towards our valued and long term customer base, but also towards each other. We ask our colleagues to be flexible in their approach and think about others in everything they do, look past their own role and consider how they can positively impact those around them. We should challenge processes and ways of working where appropriate, be heard and push for change where necessary, and have a real effect on our environment and the company as a whole. Our moto of ‘it’s all about U’ is meant in a giving context, if we think about how we can help those around us, then in return we have others around us thinking how they can help in return. Our culture is the building block for our service and relationship towards our customers, being flexible, thoughtful and analytical, we aim to help unlock unrealized potential and further magnify value in our services.

Through a culture where the idea takes precedent, not hierarchy, we look to inspire and empower our colleagues to speak up and take an active role in moving our company forwards. Unigas is renowned for its customer centric approach, built through long term relationships and a successful track record built up over many decades of safe and reliable operations. We aim to continually raise that bar on those standards and through our partnerships are confident in bringing fresh winds of change and ever more
sustainable operations to our services.

Alex Graham


The code of conduct does not replace personal responsibility or thoughtful and prudent behavior of an ethical employee.
The Code of Conduct is supplementary to laws and legislation and does not replace them.